Everyone deserves the freedom to worship in an environment that is safe and supportive of their identities. There are many LGBTQ-affirming places of worship and many online resources for LGBTQ people of faith.
This page provides general information and inter-faith resources. For resources on specific faiths, check out our pages on Christianity, Judaism, Islam, and Additional Faiths.
Faith at Ohio State
For faith related support and resources at Ohio State, check out the University Interfaith Council. The Interfaith Council has created a list of Faith Communities and Campus Organizations as well as a list of Interfaith, Prayer, Reflection, Meditation and Quiet Rooms on campus.
For religion-based student organizations, you can search the student org directory for groups that are classified as religious/spiritual.
LGBTQ-Affirming Faith Organizations
Find an LGBTQ-affirming place of worship in Central Ohio using the Lavender Listings.
GLAAD Religion, Faith and Values Program: A program of GLAAD working to amplify the voices of LGBTQ-affirming communities of faith and LGBTQ people of faith.
- National LGBTQ Task Force: Queering Faith - An organization working to amplify the voices of faith leaders to counter religiously-based bigotry.
- The Religious Institute: A multi-faith organization dedicated to advocating for sexual, gender, and reproductive health, education, and justice in faith communities and society.
Transfaith: A national nonprofit that is led by transgender people and focused on issues of faith and spirituality.
Transgender Faith and Action Network: An organization that offers for trans people of faith and allies to vision, build, grow, heal and shift culture within faith communities and the world.
For resources on specific faiths, check out our pages on Christianity, Judaism, Islam, and Additional Faiths.
Guides for LGBTQ People of Faith and Allies
From the Human Rights Campaign
Religion and Coming Out Guides
Coming Home Series
Coming Home: To Faith, To Spirit, To Self: The following guide is aimed at folks who hope to lead their faith communities toward a more welcoming stance, and those seeking a path back to beloved traditions.
Faith Ally Materials from PFLAG and Straight for Equality
10 Things You Can Do to Be a Straight Ally in your Faith Community - Learn 10 simple things that you can do to come out, speak up, and join as an ally in your faith community.
Faith in Our Families - This publication provides examples for reconciling your faith with the knowledge that a loved one is LGBTQ+.
Straight for Equality in Faith Communities - This publication will help readers examine what it means to be an ally of faith, hear the stories of other allies who have taken a similar journey, get suggestions for how to work past barriers, and find out specific ways to be an ally in your faith community.