Gender-Inclusive Housing

Student Life Housing and Residence Education supports the academic and social success of all its residents. One of the ways this goal is achieved is by offering a wide range of on-campus housing options. In order to provide support for the needs of current and incoming LGBTQ students, and others with specific needs, gender-inclusive housing options are available.  Gender-Inclusive Housing permits students to share housing regardless of sex assigned at birth, legal sex, and gender identity.

As needs vary by student, there are multiple options for gender-inclusive housing on campus.

Gender-Inclusive Rooms

Students can indicate a preference for a gender-inclusive room and will be able to search for and be assigned with a roommate(s) regardless of legal sex, sex assigned at birth, or gender identity.

Students can opt in to gender-inclusive housing in any residence hall! There are some residence halls in which this choice may have areas of concern for students interested in gender-inclusive living. For example, some residence halls have floors or wings that have communal bathrooms that are designated male or female. Housing and Residence Education can talk with students who have questions about navigating such housing assignments. Please email Housing and Residence Education at if you are interested in a gender-inclusive room in a residence hall that has gendered bathrooms.

Gender-Inclusive Environments

Some gender-inclusive rooms are clustered together within a residence hall in order to create a supportive community. This is referred to as a Gender-Inclusive Environment. For the 2024-2025 Academic Year, Gender-Inclusive Environments include:

  • Paterson Hall (Rate 2)

  • Houston House (Rate 1)

Single Rooms

While not officially considered gender-inclusive housing, some students may prefer a single room for various reasons, including a desire for privacy. Housing and Residence Education has a list of single rooms across campus.

 Selecting Gender-Inclusive Housing

On the annual Housing Application sent out by Housing and Residence Education, students are able to opt in to gender-inclusive housing. On the application, there is a section titled “Involved Living Housing Opportunities” with a subsection titled “Gender Inclusive.” Under that subsection, there is a drop-down menu. Students can select either to live in a gender inclusive room/apartment, to live in a gender inclusive environment, or a same-sex room.

To assist students in choosing the housing option most comfortable for them, Housing and Residence Education can offer guidance by phone 614-292-8266 or email for information.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Gender-Inclusive Housing? 

Gender-Inclusive Housing is defined at The Ohio State University as an arrangement whereby students, regardless of sex assigned at birth, legal sex, or gender identity, are permitted to share housing.

Who can live in Gender-Inclusive Housing?

Gender-Inclusive Housing is a voluntary housing option for full-time students at Ohio State, including graduate and professional students. A student will not be assigned to Gender-Inclusive Housing without requesting it. This housing option is intended for LGBTQ students and other individuals who wish to share space with students of a different assigned sex or gender. This housing option is available during the academic-year only. There are no summer-only gender-inclusive housing options.

What if I am a first-year student over the age of 18 who identifies as transgender, or I do not feel comfortable living in a gender-segregated housing arrangement?

Transgender students and other individuals with specific needs are valued members of the on campus living community at The Ohio State University. Students can request gender-inclusive housing.

Does Gender-Inclusive Housing cost more than other on-campus housing options?

No. The cost of living in gender-inclusive rooms adheres to the same housing rates as other housing option on campus. Visit the Housing and Residence Education website to review on-campus housing rates.

Why does Ohio State offer gender-inclusive housing?

The primary reason is to provide housing options that take into consideration varying identities and to ensure a safe and comfortable environment for all students. Student Life University Housing and Residence Education is committed to building and maintaining a diverse community to reflect human diversity and improve opportunities for all.

We have historically been asked by students and parents to expand our housing options to accommodate LGBTQ students and other individuals with specific needs. The Gender-Inclusive Housing option mirrors the housing opportunities available to students off campus with the added convenience of on-campus life.

Based on the diverse needs and preferences of our students, we are expanding on-campus housing options in ways that address these issues and preferences. This housing option is not intended for romantic couples of any sexual orientation. As we develop new housing options, it is important to remember that all the options that have historically been offered will continue to exist. Housing and Residence Education offers a list of available residence halls and options for living on campus.

Why do people choose to live in Gender-Inclusive Housing?

People choose to live in Gender-Inclusive Housing for many reasons. Some students choose it based on their gender identity, gender expression, and/or sexual orientation; others simply want to live with close friends of different assigned sex or gender. The decision to live in Gender-Inclusive Housing doesn't necessarily mean anything about someone's identity or personal life.

How many rooms are designated as a part of Gender-Inclusive Housing?

There is not a set number of rooms designated as Gender-Inclusive Housing. Supply is based upon demand. Gender-inclusive units may be clustered together within the building to promote community.

Is this housing option available only to students who identify as LGBTQ?

No. Gender-Inclusive Housing exists to allow students, regardless of assigned sex and gender identity, the ability to live together.

Will I be assigned to live in Gender-Inclusive Housing?

No. Students will not be assigned to Gender-Inclusive Housing unless they have elected to live there.

What if I am a parent who doesn’t want my student to live in Gender-Inclusive Housing? 

This is a conversation that needs to occur between parents and students. Ohio State deeply respects parents' involvement in their children’s lives, but students are seen as adults with the ability to choose the housing configuration most comfortable for them. Housing and Residence Education staff are happy to meet with your student to discuss and explore the range of available housing options, and what each option means, with the goal of finding the right housing for them.

What happens if one of the roommates cancels their assignment or leaves mid-year?

The student who remains in the gender-inclusive room may elect to find a new roommate and still have the room designated as a gender-inclusive space. If they are unable to find their own new roommate in the provided period of time, Housing and Residence Education will assign a roommate who has also requested a Gender Inclusive space.

What is legal sex?

For reporting required by federal and state governmental agencies, legal sex is defined as the sex indicated on government documents (e.g., state photo identification). Legal sex may differ from sex assigned at birth, gender identity and/or gender expression.

What if I still have questions?

If you still have questions, you can contact Housing and Residence Education at 614-292-8266 or