Changing Legal Name and Legal Sex

We recognize that for many transgender individuals, changing their name and/or sex/gender marker legally is an important step on the journey toward authenticity. The information available here can help you navigate the process.

Legal Resources

Ohio State Resources

Student Legal Services (SLS) provides legal services to eligible Ohio State students. These services include assistance with changing names and sex/gender markers legally. For more information and to schedule an appointment to speak to an SLS attorney, visit

External Resources

If you opted out of Student Legal Services, both Equality Ohio and Equitas Health host legal clinics on name and sex/gender marker changes.

There are also online resources for navigating name and legal sex/gender marker changes:


Gender and Name Change & ID Documents - Instructions for changing names and gender markers on your state ID, passport, and with the Social Security Administration

FAQ: Correcting the Gender Marker on an Ohio Birth Certificate

Equitas Health, TransOhio, and Cooper Elliott

Name and Gender Change Guide for Ohio Residents (PDF) - Instructions for changing names and gender markers for your state ID, passport, birth certificate, Social Security Administration, Selective Service, and more. 


If you need help with funding, TransOhio offers a Micro-Grant for Name Change/Gender Marker Change. Learn more and apply at

Advocates for Trans Equality

ID Documents Center - Information on how to update your name and gender on state and federal IDs and records.

Trans Legal Survival Guide - A guide that clarifies legal terminology, breaks down major topics, and offers practical advice on changing your name and gender marker, setting up power of attorney, protecting your family and parenting decisions, end-of-life planning, fixing your name on your credit report, and much more.

Steps to Update Identity Documents

Updating Your Records at Ohio State

After completing the legal name change process and/or legal sex/gender marker change process, check out our page on updating your legal name and legal sex records with Ohio State.

Frequently Asked Questions